The project
Know yourself and be open to the difference of others
Short description
This interdisciplinary project proposes to develop a concept for, and implement, innovative teaching modules for 10- to 14-year-old students. It adopts the theoretical perspective of purposive history and interdisciplinary approaches. The modules will be devoted to specific themes, such as the concept of ‘home’ as national, regional and local identity, musical traditions, fashion, cooking and sports, the future educational needs and skills for the future. The idea is to deepen students' political and historical knowledge on Europe in general, and especially on those European countries that are partners in the project, and awaken and/or deepen their interest in Europe and in the European Union as an inclusive space for lifelong learning and work. This goal will be pursued through cross-curricular themes, resources and activities designed to complement the current school curricula, to be tested in schools (formal education) and in libraries (informal educational events). In addition, the planned activities will assist the participating students in developing their personalities, discovering their own abilities and strengths and enhancing their social skills.
The project's structure will also offer the opportunity to teachers, librarians and students to become familiar with new educational and professional paths and emergent working conditions in a globalized world and in a unified Europe. Methodologically, the project promotes the localized involvements of teachers and students according to what makes more sense for them to develop in their particular contexts of learning: thus, they will be able to choose the activities and resources that are most interesting for them among the various ones offered. The project will also encourage students' teamwork and distributed learning through different fora. The project will expand the media skills of the students.
With a slight adjustment, the project materials will be usable in other countries and other schools in their cooperation and in their efforts to deepen the students’ knowledge on Europe.
Aims and Objectives
Citizenship education
Examine the own cultural identity; promote cultural and intercultural understanding; evolve interest in other EU countries and their cultures; promote respect for the culture and the achievement of the others; promote and initiate an active participation in the further development of a common Europe through constructive debate and sharing.
Developing specific skills in order to be prepared to live in an inclusive globalized world
Raise awareness and increase knowledge on how to engage with multicultural societies and globalized information; prepare for professional life in inclusive societies that require intercultural skills; learn and apply learning to changing contexts of education and work that require lifelong learning, distributing knowledge and respecting the difference of others.
Raising awareness to historical backgrounds as part of a clearer understanding of present situations
Promote the idea of inclusiveness and of purposive, activist history as a basis to increase awareness to social justice and the need of accepting difference as enriching for people and the societies they live in.
The consortium consists of eight partners from six EU countries (Estonia, Finland, the UK, Austria, Poland and Portugal). The strength of the consortium’s team is in the diversity of the countries and the participating institutions. Universities and research institutions as well as libraries, associations and schools participate in the project.
Coordinating institution
Internationales Institut für Jugendliteratur und Leseforschung (Institut für Jugendliteratur) Vienna, Austria
Partners in the project
- Austria: GTNMS Anton-Sattler-Gasse 93, Vienna
- Estonia: Estonian Reading Association, Tallinn
- Poland: Biblioteka Publiczna w dzielnicy URSUS, Warszawa
- Portugal: Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Escola
Superior de Educação),
Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno Álvares, Castelo Branco - Finland: Ita-Suomen Yliopisto
- UK: University of Worcester
Links to the websites of the partners
- Institut für Jugendliteratur -
- Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco -
- Biblioteka publiczna w dzielnicy Ursus -
- Estonian Reading association -
- Schule Anton-Sattler-Gasse -
- Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno Álvares -
- University of Worcester -
- University of Eastern Finland -
We are Europe
This interdisciplinary project proposes to develop a concept for, and implement, innovative teaching modules for 10- to 14-year-old students. It adopts the theoretical perspective of purposive history and interdisciplinary approaches. The modules will be devoted to specific themes, such as the concept of ‘home’ as national, regional and local identity, musical traditions, fashion, cooking and sports, the future educational needs and skills for the future. The idea is to deepen students' political and historical knowledge on Europe in general, and especially on those European countries that are partners in the project, and awaken and/or deepen their interest in Europe and in the European Union as an inclusive space for lifelong learning and work. This goal will be pursued through cross-curricular themes, resources and activities designed to complement the current school curricula, to be tested in schools (formal education) and in libraries (informal educational events). In addition, the planned activities will assist the participating students in developing their personalities, discovering their own abilities and strengths and enhancing their social skills.
Know yourself and be open to the difference of others
Fashion and Clothes
This area is for fashion and clothes.
My life, my surroundings - Photos
This area is for my life, my surroundings - photos.
Essays - On democracy
This area is for essays - on democrazy.
Essays - Migration
This area is for essays migration.
Essays - My future
This area is for essays my future.
Institut für Jugendliteratur
Mayerhofgasse 6
A-1040 Wien
Telefon: +43/1/505 03 59
Telefax: +43/1/505 03 59 17
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Das Institut für Jugendliteratur wird unterstützt vom Bundeskanzleramt, Sektion II – Kunst
Das Projekt we-are-Europe wird aus Mitteln der EU im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programmes gefördert.
Realisierung des Webauftrittes: vienom OG
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Angaben laut E-Commerce Gesetz: Das Institut für Jugendliteratur übernimmt keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Bilder, Videos & Sounds auf unterliegen dem Copyright und dürfen nicht ohne Genehmigung übernommen, vervielfältigt und/oder verbreitet werden.
Verwendete Bilder
Tristachersee - Giorgio___
Great_Britain_2009_066 - olemiswebs
The road goes and goes - Wojciech Toman
Early frost in the bog - Rene Jakobson
Boats - Francisco Antunes
Grundvik main house - Ville Miettinen
The Project
Great Britain - MARK-SPOKES.COM
Roofs - Kiril Videlov
Good Night Vienna - Chris Zielecki
Uphill Lisboa (Yellow Tram) - vintagedept
Getting ready for the summer - Fintrvlr
Universität Wien - Universität Wien
138: University College London Boat Club B - Steve Selwood
Mineral Room I- Curious Expeditions
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Campus de Campolide - Miguel Cunha Duarte
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny - magro_kr
Tallin University Library - _rhab_